Sunday, November 21, 2010

Yee haw!

The book is done! That buys me a little time to pump out my Fan Fiction. Yay! mental break!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Almost done!

With one chapter left to write I should have my first original novel complete by the weekend! It's a very exciting time for me! granted I am not looking forward to the editing process, I will survive as every author before me has. Thanks for your support!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Okay - so, I needed to vent. Stuck in the hospital with no cigg's (butts), importated D &D iced tea, and my butt cheeks hanging out can make a person's mind slightly twitchy! Though I can think of a few more itchys to go there.

Not to mention, I have 2 more hand written chapters for my next orginial that now need to be moved over to the laptop. Lord help me, I need to go home and sit in my uncormfortable chair and be hard at work.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Important Announcment

Hey Everyone!

News of the week?

I have signed to publish one of my original manuscripts! That's right, I am write my first novel for printing. So please forgive my gaps in updating. The publisher has deadlines and they must be meet first. But, I will not leave my fic fans hanging. I will finish what I start.